Metercoat Selflubricating Coating
MANDELLI NORMALIZZATI has recently installed in their Robassomero, Turin Plant a system to carry out the new METERCOAT coating. This allows us to offer all our steel bushing types, as well as bushings with Lamina electro-galvanic bronze, with METERCOAT coating.
Furthermore, our standard parts with METERCOAT coating will be the first ones to be available from stock. Lifetime and sliding features of our steel and Lamina bushings are hugely improved by applying on them the new METERCOAT coating.
Bushings become in this way practically wear- and maintenance free, with guaranteed long-lasting lifetime, extremely competitive prices and quick availability from stock.
Moreover, the availability of the METERCOAT machine in our plant allows us to carry out the coating procedure on any component, as for instance pillars, sliding plates, punches and button dies, ejecting devices, slides, carts, ball-bearings and any other mechanical component which need to be wear- and maintenance free. This feature surely represents a big advantage if compared to actual use of traditional bronze / aluminium plates and bushings with graphite inserts, as these tend to wear in a very short lapse of time in particular condition. This does not allow a constant moulding precision, unless frequent maintenance interventions are carried out.